Learning Catholicism a simple to follow outline with .PDF documents, videos, audio files and more. Learn at your own pace. Ask questions if like, or contact a Traditional Roman Catholic parish.
Bishop Strickland: "Stand Firm in Your Faith" on the eve of Synod Bishop Strickland, Faithful to the Faith - Stand Firm in Your Faith
Catholic365 is designed for anyone who likes to listen to informative and entertaining audio files while doing driving or when time minimizes distractions. If you would like to learn more about things from a Catholic perspective, this is the place. I built this site for a dear friend of mind who passed away before we could finish our goal, but these fine works of his remain as a tribute to him and his desire to bring others closer to God. I think you will truly enjoy the website.
SSPX FAQ Videos Where Tradition and Catholicism meet. Traditional Latin Mass, Sunday evenings, 6:00 PM, 686 Scenic Gulf Drive, Miramar Beach, Florida. Mass also at 8:00 a.m. Monday mornings. 850-865-0136. More information at: St. Anthony Mary Claret Chapel
Life is a Right that only God maintains the Right to determine its length of days. When someone ends their own life, as sad as it is, it's called suicide. When someone deliberately takes the life of another, you know what it is. And it too remains sad. Learn more here. It's a matter of life or death.
Rosary Prayer Groups was recently established, beginning throughout Florida with a common goal. The Rosary is prayed on a specific day of the week for the special intentions of those attending and for the request made at Fatima. Following the Rosary a short catechesis program is presented to further the proper education of Catholicism. Locations are added on this site and past presentations are posted to the site as well.
The Cornish Oven opportunity has spread far and wide. The information is intended to introduce you to a new fast food business concept and the products involved. If you are looking to secure a future through owning your own fast food business, the manual and video can help provide training and guidance. No previous business experience is necessary.
Webstein.com WebStein.com and its affiliates are seeking a business relationship to take conceptual ideas and proposals created by the Webstein team, from initial development to market. All WebStein concepts are appropriately documented with detailed explanations and graphics. Check it out if you are a person or company looking for innovative concepts, ideas, and products.
Defuniak Springs Garden Club. Yes, my wife is a member, and yes I said I would do this for her/them ;-) If you live in Walton County Florida and like to play in the dirt and watch things grow, this is for you.
Land Lords of the World was book one, on the World take over by the Bankers of the World, World Held Hostage by Debt What Bankers Don't Want You To Know was the second edition. Want an eye opener on how money works and how the world is held hostage? Check this two books out. If interested in a brief history of the Catholic Mass, from the eyes of a priest who wrote the two books above, it's being offered for free.